New York
Los Angeles
Isabella Parish
Ciaran Bennett
Asia & Australia
In the world of advertising, you win some and you lose some. Usually when you lose a pitch, the characters go on to unmarked graves in a cemetery of archives. But not this time!
With inspiration from classic tap dance routines of the 30's and 40's, our A-team of Hornet artists helped get this bag of hay's dancing shoes on. Our scarecrow may not have won the pitch, but he sure won our hearts.
Director Yves Geleyn
Production Co Hornet
Managing Partner Hana Shimizu
Head of Production Karen Lawler
Head of Creative Development Kristin Labriola
Production Supervisor Dez Stavracos
Associate Producer Theresa Peterson
Storyboard & Choreography Matt Corsillo
CG Modeling, Rigging & Animation Matt Corsillo
2D Background Design Hannah Kim, Valerie Yan
CG Background Design Natalia Perez
2D Character Design Renaud Lavency
Compositor & Lighting Rocky Lin (Jingbin)
Senior Editor Anita Chao
Assistant Editor Cole Bannick
Sound Design + Effects Carmen Borgia
Original Music Recording Stefano Ligoratti
Thanks to Fia de Sève

We brought together a character design by Hornet Director Renaud Lavency, a vision of classic 30's and 40's tap routines by Hornet Director Yves Geleyn and the dancing skills of Hornet animator Matt Corsillo to give Scarecrow a second chance.