New York
Los Angeles
Isabella Parish
Ciaran Bennett
Asia & Australia
Set in the Karst forest of Arecibo, Puerto Rico– where the first attempt to communicate with extraterrestrial life occcured– this short film is a choreographed reprensation of the M13 star cluster's phases of creation.
Breaking from traditional scientific imagery the film assigns gas as a body in motion, time as fabric, gravity as a cave, and space as a forest.
Director Blaze Gonzalez
Animation Directors Jay Asavabenya & Jin Jindawitchu
Client Nowness
Producer Blaze Gonzalez & Liam Young
Director of Photography Grant Duncan
Dancer Eb
Editor Blaze Gonzalez & Jin Jindawitchu
Environmental Designers Jay Asavabenya, Jin Jindawitchu & Blaze Gonzalez
Compositor Yuxing Xu
Stylist Ella Cepeda
Hair & Makeup Adey Olaoluwa
1st AC Lieven Baert
2nd AC Priscilla Turner
Documentary Videographer Qingyang Karl Zong
Sound Designer & Composer Nathan Buttel
Voice Over Valentina Villanueva
Translation Belen Benavides
Song Twin Spines
Artist Mia Carucci feat. Estoc
Song Licensed by b4sounds
Text by Technobodies
Special Thanks to Alexy Marfin, Shuruq Tramontini & Andre Zakhya